Engelbert Humperdinck - In Time I was a fool 나는 바보였어요 And like a fool, I cannot hide my sorrow 바보같이, 난 슬픔을 감출 수가 없네요 I was a fool 나는 바보 였어요 I thought that you would share all my tomorrows 모든 날들을 당신과 보내리라 생각했는데 Thought I was wrong 비록 내가 틀렸지만 Believing you'd belong to me forever 당신은 나와 영원하리라 믿어요 Now that you're gone 지금 당신은 가버리고 I hope I learn to live again in time 나는 다시 사는 법을 배우길 소망해요 In time, I m..